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What you should know about I 924a supplement

  1. Form I-924A must be filed while in the United States.
  2. Form I-924A is used for reporting regional center activity.
  3. Multiple managing companies or agencies can be associated with the regional center.

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How to prepare I 924a supplement

View the USCIS I-924A
Prepare your paperwork online utilizing a printable template of any file. You don't ought to download any docs to complete and send the papers.
Fill out the form on the web
Fill out the document in the convenient online editor, adding exact information inside the fillable areas. Put your eSignature on the specific area.
Send the papers
You may print out a paper duplicate of your completed form or send the papers digitally via Text messages and e-mail, or fax in just a few clicks.

About USCIS I-924a

USCIS Form I-924a, also known as the Annual Certification of Regional Center, is a document required by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for entities seeking to establish and maintain their status as an approved Regional Center under the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program. The EB-5 Regional Center Program allows foreign investors to obtain a Green Card by making a substantial investment in a commercial enterprise that creates jobs for U.S. workers. A regional center is a designated organization that sponsors investment projects and facilitates the pooling of investor funds. The I-924a is used by existing Regional Centers to demonstrate continued eligibility and compliance with the program's requirements. It must be filed annually, and it serves as a tool for Regional Centers to report their activities, progress, and statistical information for the previous Fiscal Year (October 1 to September 30). It requires Regional Centers to provide comprehensive information regarding their operations, including investor activities, job creation, business affiliations, capital investment, and any changes in the organizational structure or management. Filing Form I-924a is crucial for the continued approval and participation in the EB-5 Regional Center Program. It helps USCIS evaluate if the Regional Center is functioning within the prescribed guidelines and whether it continues to satisfy the program requirements, such as job creation and investment. By submitting this form, Regional Centers demonstrate their ongoing involvement and compliance with the program rules to maintain the benefits offered to their investors. Overall, USCIS Form I-924a is a critical filing for EB-5 Regional Centers, and compliance with its requirements is necessary for their continued participation in the program.

People also ask about I 924a supplement

What is Form I-924A used for?
Form I-924A is used for the Annual Certification of Regional Center by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
Who should complete Form I-924A?
Form I-924A should be completed by an attorney or BIA-accredited representative.
Is there a deadline for filing Form I-924A?
Yes, Form I-924A expires on 07/31/2022.

What people say about us

Only issue was with saving to destination folder.
Your service is awesome! Saves time and money from having to run all the way from home to Staples then fax/email important documents to the recipient. This service is easy to edit and save/email documents to the recipients. I really love your service!
Would like more time to play with it. Works great so far.
It was easy.

Complicated paperwork, simplified

The requirement to print out, certify, and hand over hard copy documents forces companies to hold staff members in their offices, inspite of the formally admitted pandemic. In the meantime, timely and correct usage of the web templates is absolutely real. Without a doubt, the electronic USCIS I-924A is the easiest way to file a form without having to leave your home. Additionally, you can access it anytime from any gadget. Go digital and keep yourself secure.